Is it vital to promote through social media and videos?

In today’s world, social media marketing (SMM) and videos are integral to driving business. As a business owner, it’s vital that you understand the role that SMM and videos play in creating your brand.

What is branding?

Branding is how you make your product or service known to potential and existing customers. Effective branding leads to consumers who establish an emotional connection with you and support your product/service. Ideally, your branding should also lead to long-term results—loyal customers who continue to buy and back your product.

How does social media help branding?

Around the globe, marketing has significantly changed due to the internet. Nothing tells the story better than statistics, which are the hard facts about whether your marketing efforts are serving your best interests.

According to Statistica, the following were the results of a worldwide survey done on marketers in 2024:

  • 83% of marketers reported that social media marketing increased their exposure
  • 73% said SMM increased traffic
  • 65% noticed it generated leads

What do marketers spend on internet marketing?

Between 2019 and 2024, spending for SMM leaped 140%. It surpassed $230 billion (U.S. dollars) in 2024. The forecasted spending amount for 2029 is an increase by 50 percent, exceeding $345 billion by 2029.

What social media outlets have the most active monthly users?

  • Facebook (over 3 billion)
  • YouTube (over 2.5 billion)

Why does advertising on social media work?

Visibility is key for marketing success. You want to reach a lot of people. You also want to target the right demographic—in other words, audiences that would be interested in your brand. Social media gives you the opportunity to emotionally connect and engage with customers/potential customers and offer them valuable content. You can also position yourself as a leader in your type of industry. As those people you engage with connect with you, they are likely to share your content, letting others know about your brand too.

Why do videos work well for marketing?

We live in a very visual age. There is a famous saying, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” If a picture is worth a thousand words, what is a video worth?  Videos contain countless moving pictures, all strung together. reports that a video gets 1200% more shares than photos or text posted on social media.

During the pandemic, video use as a medium soared, and its popularity is still intact and growing. The following statistics support this fact:

  • 90% of video marketers report that video helped increase brand awareness
  • 86% say video increased web traffic
  • 87% say videos help generate leads
  • 87% report a direct increase on sales due to videos

How can we help you promote your brand?

Our Internet Guru Girl experts can work with you to tailor effective social media marketing plans that drive business, promote your brand and help increase your revenue. While working within your budget, we can help you create a competitive edge.

Let’s talk about your social media marketing. Reach out to us online or give us a call at (214) 415-4547.