Driving Business Through
Search Engine Optimization

We help viewers find your website by optimizing it for the search engines. Through the use of keywords and other technical features, we make it easy for search engines to index and the purpose of your site obvious. Google’s complicated algorithms will rank and evaluate your website. It is wise to use specialists for SEO because effective optimization means staying up-to-date with technology. Google requires sites to be mobile friendly for good ranking.



Keyword Analysis

Analyzing keywords is an integral aspect of SEO. Viewers type keywords into search engines and when it’s a frequently searched keyword, various websites containing the keyword pop up. Then users choose a site to click on. By using keywords to target your service or products, we help people find you when doing a search.

Meta Tags

The code for web pages contains code called meta tags. Keywords, the page title and descriptions are incorporated into meta tags for search engine bots to find. Google often uses the description tag language to display on the search page. If the description is too long, Google truncates the message. Meta tags are an important tool used in SEO.

Organic Content


The internet revolves around information. Viewers search for products or services and read descriptions about them. Content writers weave keywords into their organic content based on how viewers most recently search. In fact they often type long-tail keywords into the search engine to describe what they’re looking for. The wording is usually conversational.

At Internet Guru Girl, our content writers understand the importance of SEO. They incorporate keywords into their
Organic content, making it effective in a natural sounding way. By working with an SEO specialist, our writers adhere to best practices for marketing your services and products online.

Companies promoting business online need SEO. How about your business?

By incorporating SEO into your online marketing, Internet Guru Girl can help you succeed. We offer web marketing services in the following areas:


“Ignoring digital marketing is like having a business and not telling anyone. It makes you less relatable.”

Get in Touch

Discuss marketing with us and find out how our experienced team of experts can help. Start devising a new plan for your marketing today! Call 214.415.4547 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation.

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I would love to help you grow your business through online marketing. Drop me a line.

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Find out about growing your
through online marketing.