There are 5 top reasons why it is essential you use this method. Here are the 5 primary reasons why this promotion strategy is a must for any online business.

1. You can link from your social profiles to your web site or web sites which is a super credible link which in turn drives more traffic to your site.

2. With social sites you will be able to direct and keep the traffic you have easily. If you use a blog for this marketing method than it is a simple as posting regular quality articles to keep readers interested.

Plus this method is easy for anyone to use if you take time to learn a little about using each social site effectively. Many of the ways to advertise with this method are free and if they are not then they are affordable for any budget.

3. Social sites let you build trust and develop relationship with customers. We sell ourselves and being personable is crucial. The more you socialize and get to know them the more they will trust you and spend money with your business or be inclined to hire you.

4. Because they know that it is all about the quality of the traffic and not the amount of traffic many business owners use this method. It doesn’t matter if you get a huge amount of people to your site if they are not ready to buy or hire you for your service.

With social advertising you can be sure you are reaching targeted customers that are looking for what you are selling. The more involved you become in the social sites the better for your business.

5. Your referral business will always be 1/3 of your business and in order to maintain that, you should keep yourself in the pool of your referrals.  So, make sure to add new contacts such as your new clients, go on and make a comment occassionally at least.  Keep your business in their face. 

The more involved you become the more times your site will be available in the results. Keep using these sites on a regular basis and you will soon see an increase in traffic and sales.

These are the main 5 reasons why you must be using social marketing for your online business. If you are not using this marketing method than you are leaving a lot of money on the table and letting your competitors have all your customers.