Past, Present and Future Statistical Trends from PC to Mobile Devices

Marketing statistics tell the story of internet use, including trends from pc to mobile devices. Here’s a future, present and past look at increased internet and mobile device usage:

  • Global Internet traffic in 2018 will be equivalent to 64 times the volume of the entire global internet in 2005 (Cisco)
  • Globally, mobile data traffic will increase 11-fold between 2013 and 2018 (Cisco)
  • Global mobile data traffic will grow three times faster than fixed IP traffic from 2013 to 2018 (Cisco)
  • By 2017, an estimated 90% of internet users will access online content through their smartphones (
  • For the first time ever, in January 2014, mobile device use (at 55%) surpassed pc use (at 45%) (CNN Money)
  • By comparison, in 2013, wired devices accounted for the majority of IP traffic at 56 percent(Cisco)
  • Mid 2012, global ownership of smart phones surpassed global ownership of personal computers (Business Insider)
  • Smart phone and tablet ownership is still speeding up but pc acquisition has stalled (Business Insider)

The internet boom has been remarkable when you consider that in 1995, only about one percent of the world’s population had an internet connection. Today 40 percent of the world’s population has an internet connection. In 2005, one billion internet users existed and by 2010 we reached the second billion internet users. The world will reach three billion internet users by the end of 2014 (

In 2014, Pew Research reported that 55 percent of Americans had smartphones and 42 percent had tablets. Keep in mind:

  • 91 percent of adults keep their smartphones within arm’s reach. (Source: Morgan Stanley quoted in Forbes
  • Even more important to entrepreneurs: 9 out of 10 mobile searches lead to action. More than half lead to sales. (Forbes)

Are you reaching the market of mobile device consumers? Is your website mobile friendly?

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