Really now, attorneys are smart enough not to be brainwashed into paying HUGE monthly nuts just because some company says they’ve been around forever. Huge companies, and some small ones, sign you up on a contract for web site marketing for their firm for a year. That’s fine! But year 2, 3, 4, 12, 13, etc roll around and you pay more and more and HELL EVEN IF YOU PAY THE SAME, that’s a rip off in itself.

By God, let’s be clear. YOU JUST DON’T HAVE TO IF YOU DON’T WANT TO AND IF YOU’RE SMART, you’ll figure a way to grow with the times of the web, keep it current, but not pay for a site over and over again. When they say “we’ll add pages, content” then just pay for the added pages/content/or whatever. But not the whole damn thing.

I really want to help you understand that you worked your tail off and that extra money should be a collega tuition/savings or a vacation, new furniture, a raise for yourself. Please don’t just throw that money into the wind. I’ll be happy to help you, educate you, inform you and share all of my 13yrs plus of knowledge.

With all due respect, have a good monday night…………………..Sparta aka “IGG gal”